Configuring Your Gateway

You have several methods to configure your Magic Gateway. Each method extends the default configuration.

Default Config File

The gateway server extends a default config found at /conf/default-config.hjson.

User Config File

If the file /conf/user-config.hjson exists, it will be used to extend the default config . For an example of what a user-config file can look like, use /conf/user-config.example.hjson as a reference.

Steps to include your own config:

  1. Create a file named /conf/user-config.hjson
  2. Update with your specific settings
  3. Run docker-compose build on x86 machines ordocker-compose build --build-arg ARCH=armhf on ARM machines in order to apply the changes.


Extend with docker-compose.yml environment variables. This will override all other methods of configruation. To override default config keys, specify the group and key separated by a underscore character, for example: ADMIN_ACCOUNT, or ADMIN_USER_MIN_BALANCE. services: magic-agent: build: . image: magic-agent network_mode: "host" ports: - "1812:1812/udp" - "1813:1813/udp" - "5000:5000" environment: - ADMIN_ACCOUNT=0xdf6ce563D547D56cb60FD7211061a30366D16414 - BILLING_TYPE=session