To be a magic wifi provider, you need the following devices:
Most Wifi-enabled routers can be re-purposed as Magic Access Points, as long as they have the following features:
It may be difficult to know if your router supports the above features. A router diagnostics tool will be provided soon to run against your router, but in the meantime, we recommend purchasing one of these inexpensive & fully-featured routers.
Recommended Routers:
In some cases, your router may have the features available, but your firmware doesn't support them. In this case, you may use the open source router firmware called OpenWrt.
This is a separate device, such as a Raspberry Pi , that runs the magic-agent in the "gateway" role. All authentication requests to use your Magic Access Point will be sent through this device, and it will be where you configure the availability and pricing of your Access Point.
Raspberry Pi device setup guide
In general, magic-agent can run on abt x86 or ARM resource, and virtually any OS that follows POSIX compliant standards.
Magic Agent runs using Docker If you're using a Windows device, you'll need Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education. Docker does not currently support Windows 10 Home.
While you can install and run the agent on a laptop for testing purposes, your gateway will not be available if you power your laptop down. As such, we recommend installing on a device that can serve as a persistent connected gateway which Magic clients can access continously.
We will soon support a cloud-based gateway server to reduce the need to run a local device for this role.